Exhibition and Performance by Miriam Hübl and Virginia Lui

Miriam Hübl und Virginia Lui, Securiwas, 2017
Miriam Hübl und Virginia Lui, Securiwas, 2017
Miriam Hübl und Virginia Lui, Securiwas, 2017


The project „Securiwas?“ deals with Security Guards and how this booming sector brings the conditions of new, precarious labour to the forefront. By taking the presence of guards in cities for granted, the contradictions and hardships of these kinds of jobs remain invisble. Critical questioning about exploitation on the labour market is needed to reformulate demands for solidarity.

The critical intellectual Franco Berardi notes that the era of „Semio-Capital“ primarily produces commodities in the form of signs and symbols. Securitiy Guards offer a symbolic service in that sense too, by embodying security, order and authority through their mere physical presence. By carrying these symbols, an excessive focus on the body becomes apparent. The guards themselves become commodified to sell the image of security.

The exhibited photo series show the body language of security guards in a neutral setting. They reveal the tensions between reality and expectations in a struggle to uphold an image of security.

29.05-01.06.17, daily 10.a.m.-6p.m.