Claudius Schulze
Biosphäre X
Für die KUNST HAUS WIEN Garage entwickelt Claudius Schulze eine raumspezifische Installation, die diese beiden epocheprägenden Entwicklungen zusammenführt: Den Verlust an Biodiversität einerseits und die Erschaffung einer neuen Spezies durch künstliche Intelligenz, Bionik und Gentechnik andererseits. Während die Welt für Maschinen verständlich wird, verschwindet sie gleichzeitig für immer. Während das Physische in Bits und Bytes übersetzt wird, sterben Arten, weil deren Lebensgrundlage verloren geht. More -
With the series #ClosedButActive, KUNST HAUS WIEN presents artists who are associated with the museum and whose works, exhibitions and projects shape the museum's programme. The virtual space, which will also open up on the museum's website despite the fact that the exhibition rooms are closed, will be used in a new way with a stimulating compilation of images, text and video material and further information. Many thanks to the artists who have made their material available for this project. More -
Street. Life. Photography
Seven Decades of Street Photography
The city is one of the most dazzling subjects in the history of photography: KUNST HAUS WIEN presents with the exhibiton Street. Life. Photography Icons of Street Photography from seven decades. From Merry Alpern, Diane Arbus, Robert Frank to Lee Friedlander or Martin Parr - with more than 35 photographic positions and over 200 works, the exhibition deals with the radical changes and aesthetic developments in street photography from the 1930s to the present. More -
Martin Roth
In october 2019 I listened to animals imitating humans.
For the installation in KUNST HAUS WIEN, the Austrian artist Martin Roth (1977-2019) has filled the entire floor with rubble and sculptural pieces; wild plants settle in the spaces between. A sound installation also stimulates the space: The main sounds are birds imitating technically produced sounds such as ring tones or sirens - an echo of our industrialized life. Roth takes up themes of dislocation, substitution, decay, inequality and disorder and creates subtle symbolic images of the state of our world. More -
Claudia Märzendorfer
In her work, the artist Claudia Märzendorfer unites different artistic means of expression, combines philosophical approaches and (art) historical derivations out of no lesser need than to pursue the meaning of the world. More -
Über Leben am Land
Talk of living out in the countryside inevitably conjures up all sorts of images before our mind’s eye. Descriptions range from the romanticism of farming life to the dreariness of life in the provinces, shaped as much by personal experiences as by anecdotes and depictions consumed via the media – the image of village life and the reality of it at times worlds apart. In a photographic and artistic analysis of what life in the countryside is like today, the exhibition "Über Leben am Land" at the KUNST HAUS WIEN focuses on Europe and the US. More -
Future Scenarios
Lena Dobrowolska & Teo Ormond-Skeaping
What would the future look like with global warming running at 1.5 to 6 degrees centigrade? In their long-term multimedia project entitled Future Scenarios (launched in 2016) Lena Dobrowolska and Teo Ormond-Skeaping outline multiple scenarios open to interpretation on what the future might be like. Working closely with scientists, researchers and political decision-makers the Polish-British artist duo examines questions such as the responsibility for global warming and our vulnerability to it as well as the role that discourse plays in shaping our future. More -
Lina Selander
Shadow Optics
Die Arbeiten der schwedischen Künstlerin Lina Selander handeln von Bildern als Erinnerungen, als Eindrücke und Darstellungen – und sie bearbeiten drängende ökologische Fragestellungen unserer Zeit. Für ihre Ausstellung Shadow Optics in der Garage des KUNST HAUS WIEN hat sie ihre Arbeit Excavation of the image — Imprint, shadow, spectre, thought, mit der Lina Selander 2015 den Schwedischen Pavillon der Venedig Biennale bespielte, weiterentwickelt. Överföringsdiagramm nr 2 [Diagram of Transfer No. 2] (2018-2019) ist ein experimenteller 16 mm Film, der auf HD-Video übertragen wird und Material aus dem Schönbrunner Zoo und dem AKW Zwentendorf enthält, das im Herbst 2018 aufgenommen wurde. More -
Still Life
Obstinacy of Things
Are the banal objects of our consumerist world to be equated with the opulently arrayed fruits, blooms and other vanitas motifs familiar to us from the painterly still lifes of Old Masters? What is it that underpins our 400-year fascination with the genre? And why are contemporary artists rediscovering the still life for themselves in the medium of photography at this very precise moment in time? What do still lifes have to say to us today about our habits and our very own existence? More -
Liquid Gold
A third of the world's population lives without a toilet, which often has fatal consequences for hygiene and drinking water. This is why innovative toilet concepts are being developed internationally that offer economic and ecological advantages. The Viennese design studio EOOS (Martin Bergmann, Gernot Bohmann and Harald Gründl) has also been working on the development of toilet systems for many years. More